
Ñêà÷àòü òîððåíò No Man's Sky - NEXT (SCEE/Hello Games) (RUS/ENG/MULTi14) (v1.5 | 25.07.2018) [L] - GOG

Ñòðàíèöû:  1, 2, 3 ... 32, 33, 34  Ñëåä.

Àâòîð Ñîîáùåíèå


post 12-Àâã-16 20:04


    Ãîä âûïóñêà: 10.08.2016
    Æàíð: Action / 3D / 1st Person / 3rd Person
    Ðàçðàáîò÷èê: Hello Games
    Èçäàòåëüñòâî: SCEE/Hello Games
    Îôèöàëüíûé-Ñàéò: Îòêðûòü
    Òèï èçäàíèÿ: Ëèöåíçèÿ
    Âåðñèÿ èãðû: v1.5
    Ïëàòôîðìà: PC
    ßçûê èíòåðôåéñà: Ðóññêèé-Àíãëèéñêèé-Ôðàíöóçñêèé-Èòàëüÿíñêèé-Íåìåöêèé-Èñïàíñêèé-Íèäåðëàíäñêèé-ßïîíñêèé-Êîðåéñêèé-Ïîëüñêèé-Ïîðòóãàëüñêèé-Áðàçèëüñêèé-Êèòàéñêèé (óïð.)-Êèòàéñêèé (òðàä.)
    ßçûê îçâó÷êè: Ðóññêèé-Àíãëèéñêèé-Ôðàíöóçñêèé-Èòàëüÿíñêèé-Íåìåöêèé-Èñïàíñêèé-ßïîíñêèé-Êîðåéñêèé-Ïîëüñêèé-Ïîðòóãàëüñêèé-Áðàçèëüñêèé-Êèòàéñêèé (óïð.)-Êèòàéñêèé (òðàä.)
    Òàáëåòêà: Íå òðåáóåòñÿ (DRM Free)

Ñèñòåìíûå òðåáîâàíèÿ ìèíèìàëüíûå:
    • Îïåðàöèîííàÿ ñèñòåìà: Windows 7/8/10 (òîëüêî âåðñèè 64-áèò)
    • Ïðîöåññîð: Intel Core i3
    • Îïåðàòèâíîé ïàìÿòè: 8 Ãá RAM
    • Ñâîáîäíîãî ìåñòà íà æåñòêîì äèñêå: 10 Ãá
    • Âèäåîêàðòà: nVidia GTX 480, AMD Radeon 7870 èëè ëó÷øå.
    • DirectX: Âåðñèè 11 èëè âûøå.

    Êëàññè÷åñêàÿ íàó÷íàÿ ôàíòàñòèêà, åå ìíîãîîáðàçèå è íåïîâòîðèìûé äóõ ïðèêëþ÷åíèé, îæèâàþò â òâîðåíèè ñòóäèè Hello Games. No Man’s Sky – èãðà, îòëè÷àþùàÿñÿ íåâåðîÿòíûì ðàçìàõîì è àìáèöèÿìè. Âàì ïðåäñòîèò èññëåäîâàòü áåñêîíå÷íóþ âñåëåííóþ, îòêðûâàòü áåñ÷èñëåííûå óíèêàëüíûå ïëàíåòû è çíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ íåâèäàííûìè ïðåæäå ôîðìàìè æèçíè.
    Ñêðûòàÿ â öåíòðå ãàëàêòèêè òàéíà íåîäîëèìî ìàíèò ê ñåáå, çàñòàâëÿåò îòïðàâèòüñÿ â ãðàíäèîçíîå ïóòåøåñòâèå, ÷òîáû óçíàòü èñòèííóþ ïðèðîäó êîñìîñà. Íà ýòîì ïóòè íå îáîéäåòñÿ áåç îïàñíîñòåé, âðàæäåáíûõ ñîçäàíèé è ñâèðåïûõ ïèðàòîâ, à ÷òîáû âûæèòü, ïðèäåòñÿ õîðîøåíüêî ïîäãîòîâèòüñÿ – óëó÷øèòü êîñòþì, êîðàáëü è ñâîå îðóæèå.
    Âû ìîæåòå ñðàæàòüñÿ, òîðãîâàòü èëè ïðîñòî èññëåäîâàòü ãàëàêòèêó.  ëþáîì ñëó÷àå âàøè ðåøåíèÿ è äåéñòâèÿ áóäóò èìåòü ïîñëåäñòâèÿ, êîòîðûå è îïðåäåëÿò êàê ïðîéäåò âàøå ïóòåøåñòâèå â No Man's Sky.

Îñîáåííîñòè èãðû
      • Ïðîêëàäûâàéòå ñâîé êóðñ â îòêðûòîé âñåëåííîé è èññëåäóéòå ëþáûå èç 18 446 744 073 709 551 616 óíèêàëüíûõ ïëàíåò. Ãàëàêòèêà No Man’s Sky ñîçäàåòñÿ â ðåàëüíîì âðåìåíè, òàê ÷òî ó êàæäîãî èãðîêà îáÿçàòåëüíî áóäåò âîçìîæíîñòü ñòàòü ïåðâîïðîõîäöåì. Èññëåäîâàíèå êîñìîñà ïðîèñõîäèò î÷åíü ïëàâíî, áåç çàäåðæåê è ïîäçàãðóçîê, äàæå åñëè âû îïóñêàåòåñü ñ îðáèòû íà ïîâåðõíîñòü ïëàíåòû èëè æå ñîâåðøàåòå ïðûæêè ìåæäó çâåçäíûìè ñèñòåìàìè.
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      • Âñå ïðèêëþ÷åíèÿ â No Man’s Sky íà÷èíàþòñÿ ñ âíåøíåé ãðàíèöû åäèíîé íåèçó÷åííîé ãàëàêòèêè.  ïóòè âàì âñòðåòÿòñÿ áåñ÷èñëåííûå çâåçäíûå ñèñòåìû, ïëàíåòû, ôîðìû æèçíè è åùå ìíîæåñòâî âåùåé, êîòîðûõ íå âèäåë íèêòî äî âàñ. Ïî ñâîåìó æåëàíèþ, âû ìîæåòå äåëèòüñÿ íàõîäêàìè ñ äðóãèìè èãðîêàìè, äàâàÿ èìåíà ñâîèì îòêðûòèÿì è íàíîñÿ èõ íà åäèíóþ Êàðòó ãàëàêòèêè.
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      • Ãàëàêòèêà No Man’s Sky æèâåò ïîëíîé æèçíüþ. Åå áîðîçäÿò òîðãîâûå êàðàâàíû, ëèõèå ïèðàòû, äîáëåñòíàÿ ïîëèöèÿ è ãðîçíûå âîåííûå êîðàáëè. Âñå îíè ãîòîâû ê äåéñòâèþ. È ýòà ãàëàêòèêà ïðèíàäëåæèò âñåì èãðîêàì No Man's Sky. Êòî çíàåò, ñ ïîñëåäñòâèÿìè ÷üèõ ïîñòóïêîâ âàì ïðèäåòñÿ ñòîëêíóòüñÿ?
1. Óñòàíîâèòü.
2. Èãðàòü.
3. Ðóññêèé ÿçûê ñòàâèòñÿ â äèðåêòîðèè ñ èãðîé ÷åðåç ýêçåøíèê LanguageSetup.exe

No Man's Sky.torrent
Òðåêåð: Çàðåãèñòðèðîâàí

magnet ññûëêà


Ñêà÷àòü .torrent

25 KB

Ñòàòóñ: ïðîâåðåíî (by REY â 25-Èþë-18 07:55)
Çàðåãèñòðèðîâàí: 25-Èþë-18 07:53
Ñêà÷àí: 15711 ðàç
Ðàçìåð: 9.75 GB | 
Ñêà÷àòü No Man's Sky - NEXT (SCEE/Hello Games) (RUS/ENG/MULTi14) (v1.5 | 25.07.2018) [L] - GOG òîððåíò

Ïîõîæèå ðàçäà÷è


post 12-Àâã-16 20:04 (ñïóñòÿ 10 ñåêóíä)

Äîï.èíôîðìàöèÿ :
Patch 1284085 (18 August 2016)
Patch 1287169 (19 August 2016)
Çà ïåðåâîä ñïàñèáî Velldanas
- Èñïðàâëåíà ïðîáëåìà êîãäà èãðà íå ñîõðàíÿëàñü ïîñëå ñìåðòè.
- Èñïðàâëåí âûëåò èç èãðû âî âðåìÿ âàðï ïðûæêà.
- Èñïðàâëåí âûëåò èç èãðû âî âðåìÿ ñêàíèðîâàíèÿ ñèñòåìû.
- Èñïðàâëåí âûëåò èç èãðû íà ïðîöåññîðàõ Phenom II.
Patch 1289496 (22 August 2016)
Patch 1.07 (02 September 2016)
Objectives and stuck without Hyper-drive Issues
• Player no longer able to redeem your pre-order ship at a point which would then prevent you learning the hyper-drive blueprint (and if you have done this, we save you).
• Player no longer able to bypass being sent to find hyper-drive tech by reloading a save in game at a very specific point.
Getting Stuck in the world
• Fixed a couple of low repro bugs that could result in you falling through the world and getting stuck underground.
• A raycast in some space stations could hit a very specific point that would put the player inside the floor.
• Fixed an issue that would cause your ship to be thrown in the sky at high speed when taking off (in rare cases could in turn lead to getting stuck).
• Fixed an issue that would cause your ship to get stuck in terrain and prevent you from taking off, if the player managed to out run generation of terrain LOD 1, and land inside an overhang.
• Some players were unable to achieve the extreme survival journey milestone, this has been resolved.
• Fixed an issue where some players had some technology types being reported as "already known" when they weren't actually known.
• Under some circumstances a message was sometimes misinforming you that you learnt a blueprint when you hadn't, this has been fixed now.
• It was possible you could use up all available slots for waypoints on the galaxy map and be unable to set new waypoints. This is much better now.
• There was a bug that could cause objective markers to disappear when you loaded a previous save. This is fixed now.
• Fixed a rare issue when scanning creatures that would cause all planets to show as 100% complete even if you had only completed one.
Save / Load
• Fixed a bug what could cause some corrupt save games to not be loaded, this is now fixed.
• Fixed an issue where saves made with the system clock set in the future could cause problems.
Crash Fixes
• Fixed a crash that would sometimes happen when warping into a system with a space battle in progress.
• Fixed a crash that could happen when interacting with an NPC.
Tweaks and Improvements
• It is now easier to scan flying creatures.
• Fixed height and weight stats being the wrong way around for creatures.
• Gek towers can no longer be interacted with repeatedly.
• The 'You have unredeemed items' message will now only show for the first 5 minutes.
• Fixed getting 0% charge on Photon Cannon when buying a new ship and constantly being prompted to charge it.
• Reduce Suit VO for life support warnings and only do life support VO on 25% and 50%.
• Fixed grave being transferred to the new star system after you warp.
• Fixed toxic protection 3 (theta) from having the wrong name.
• Fixed incorrect marking of sea caves under floating islands.
• Turning down music and SFX volume in the options will now work correctly (mutes the VO also).
• If you change ship or multi-tool and then revert to previous save the ship should now be the one you had at the time.
• Atlas station collision improvements to prevent you from bumping into them too much.
• Fix for the stars not being discarded during load/warp (causing duplicate stars).
PC Only Issues
• Editing the settings file and corrupting it could cause the game to crash. Instead of crashing it will now revert back to the default settings.
• The inventory screen now works correctly regardless of resolution.
• Added error message for older CPUs without SSE3 support.
• Synchronise frame capping with the first vsync (removes some framerate issues).
• Fixed the X key size on the galaxy map.
• If you press Tab+P in quick succession, the game paused and didn't let you out of it.
• Fixed a performance issue by defaulting your texture resolution to a sensible value based on available GPU memory.
Patch 1.09 (16th September 2016)
• The game is now much more robust at recovering corrupted save files.
• It was possible for players to circumnavigate obtaining the Antimatter blueprint using very specific steps, leaving some players stranded in their second system. This is no longer possible.
• PC and PS4 galaxy generation more robust during compiling.
• Exosuit messaging system no longer confuses “on planet” and “docked in station” visor notifications, removing all doubt as to the location of the player’s Starship.
• Improved framerate when scanning colossal structures such as Space Stations or Outposts.
• Fix for some terrain resources being indestructible and therefore unmineable.
• Exosuit messaging system now able to correctly differentiate between resource types. Deposits discovered by scans will now display as the correct element.
• Gek Factory door manufacturing standards have been improved; they no longer take critical hits from Grenades.
• Drone vandalism detection improved. Wanted level now increases when destroying Factory doors however powerful the players Multitool may be.
• Pulsedrive systems now fully offline during warping.
• Players are no longer able to open crates of any type if their inventory is full, no matter the contents, preventing loss of resources.
• When interacting with a Terminal, it will print out the players Journey progression. Some strings in this print out where cut-off in Asian languages, these now display correctly in all supported languages.
• Fixed an occasional bug within the Exosuit system that caused controller prompts to display the wrong button.
• Changes to player Standing with the Gek, Vy’keen and Korvax now display correctly within the stats menu.
• Fix for loss of resources when transferring fully stacked items between the player’s Starship and Exosuit in a specific order.
• Fix for stacking products exploit. Resources salvaged from dismantled technologies now fill inventory slots as expected.
• Exosuit and Starship messaging system now always displays the correct number of collected resources.
• Discovery menu improvements, including fixes for incorrectly displayed planet names and creatures displaying as their molecular structure.
• Discovery menu now supports planets with an abundance of life. Specifically, planets featuring 15 creature types can now reach 100% completion.
• Multitool Beam Coolant and Exosuit Aeration Membrane upgrades now increase their respective stat wheels as expected.
• The player can no longer buy multiple products when they do not have enough slots to do so, preventing loss of both the unit cost and the extra products.
• Japanese localization fixes. Including: scrolling text issues, overlapping prompts in the ship messaging system and Multitool names displaying incorrectly.
• Fixed clipped text on save game restore buttons in all supported languages.
• Fixed errant title bar on the menu screen.
• Player Standing now updates in real time when interacting with members of the Gek, Vy’keen and Korvax races.
• Minor fix for saves of a duration less than 2 minutes displaying as “1 minutes”.
• Improvements to various settings within the options menu, including advancements in mouse smoothing and refined gamma settings allowing for increased tenebrosity.
• Fix for creature generation crash.
• Fixes to prevent FPS spikes when encountering momentary performance bumps on PS4.
• Fixed a rare issue where pressing and holding a button would cause the game to crash under specific circumstances.
• Creature footfall now audibly echos within caves.
• Fix for perpetual day time if the player updated in a specific order.
• Bump shader version numbers for patch 1.09
• Fix for a rare situation where a player’s save could get stuck in a crash loop due to saving at very specific point in planet generation.
• Improved detection of available PC CPU cores and optimised settings for low-end CPUs with few CPU cores.
PATCH 1.09.1 (28th Oktober 2016)
׸òêîé èíôû ïîêà íåò! :(
PATCH 1.1 Foundation Update (27th November 2016)
General Gameplay:
• Fixed technology becoming instantly fully charged when repaired.
• Fixed ship appearing on incorrect pad in space station after loading.
• Added interactable objects that required certain tech to collect.
• Added shootable objects that require certain tech to mine.
• Rebalanced resource availability and technology charge requirements.
• Fixed initial game flow - where travelling to space too quickly after visiting the monolith could prevent the first atlas station notification appearing.
• Prevented player being prompted to scan for buildings before leaving the system after visiting the monolith.
• Prevented laser and melee attacks while in space from attempting to edit terrain.
• Improved calculation of resources received when mining terrain.
• Renamed Signal Scanners to Signal Boosters.
• Signal booster objects updated to search for playable bases, suit upgrade pods, and mineable resources.
• Removed signal booster from being distributed on terrain, as player can now build them.
• Improved accuracy of environment detection, fixing cases where it rained inside caves.
• Fixed galactic waypoints not loading correctly across saves.
• Removed atlas pass v1 requirement from doors in stations.
• Suit upgrade pods are no longer spawned in stations.
• Suit upgrade pods can now only be used once.
• Fixed collision in anomaly that was causing issues when exiting larger ships.
• Increased the number of different NPC character models generated per system.
• Fixed the game always remaining in day time for players who began their save prior to patch 1.03.
• Fixed a potential crash in foliage instance renderer.
• Fixed stats page in asian languages.
• Fixed multiple issues with asian language formatting.
• Multiple improvements and fixes to localisation text in all languages.
• Added new icons for specific types of primary resources.
• Fixed health bars not appearing on some targets.
• Added hazard and life support drain indicators.
• Fixed mission messages not appearing in a timely fashion.
• Beacons now notify the player that they will save the game.
• Fixed crash when creature IK animations were updated under certain conditions on the discovery screen.
• Improved navigation in discovery UI.
• Massive speed improvements to browsing huge discovery lists.
• Increased size of discovery storage.
• Added option to load "Earliest" previous save in Options menu.
• Fixed weapon naming.
• Added icon to remind players of the reload button when weapon is empty.
• Multiple fixes for viewing discoveries.
• Added support for up to 8 mouse buttons.
• Fixed better order position history for mouse smoothing.
• Fixed bug where setting gamma to zero gave a fully bright rather than fully dark image.
• Fixed hard-limiting on save sizes, with appropriate warning about free space on boot.
• Player is now notified when shaders are being loaded.
• Fixed occasional crash on exit.
• Fixed performance of trail renderer for some AMD cards.
• Large optimisations to the engine to accommodate base building.
• Added biome specific plants.
• Adopted new method of distributing resource plants on terrain, for more lifelike clumps of plants.
• Improved distribution of plant life across all terrain types.
• Introduced visual differentiation of red, green and blue star systems.
• Introduced new mineable terrain resources found only in red, green and blue star systems.
• Reduced average building frequency.
• Introduced planets with elevated building density.
• Introduced planets with no buildings or sentient life.
• Increased the proportion of lush and tropical planets.
• Decreased the proportion of lifeless planets.
• Fixed bug where multiple ships could appear, overlapping, at the player's start scene.
• Prevented certain building types being incorrectly placed underwater.
• Prevented multiple buildings occasionally being placed in overlapping positions.
• Prevented buildings occasionally being placed intersecting with the terrain.
• Improved and altered per-planet terrain resource generation, improving gameplay and visuals.
• Fixed elevation cache mismatches, causing errors in creature knowledge and pathing.
• Fixed slow memory leak in creature role allocation.
• Improved creature animation speeds.
• Fixed issues where some creatures turns had the incorrect frame count.
• Fixed occasional crash when interacting with creatures.
• Increased proportion of vibrant blue skies.
• Corrected cloud levels for clear skies.
• Improved average cloud level settings.
• Fixed cloud rendering while flying in your ship.
• Improved atmosphere depth when transitioning to space.
• Increased fidelity of atmosphere rendering on nearest planet.
• Improved atmospheric fog as you fly to a planet.
• Improved fog method for planets seen on the horizon.
• Improved terrain generation algorithms.
• Improved and extended blend areas between different terrain noise types.
• Terrains now generate more open spaces.
• Smaller features now appear at nearer lods to improve visuals in the distance.
• Fixed objects being placed on incorrect terrain material types.
• Improved resolution of distant planet terrain.
• Decreased differences between planet as seen from space and actual planet terrain.
• Fixed seams on planets when seen from space.
• Improvements to terrain material selection and terrain material blending.
• Terrain generation priority and cost calculation improvements.
• Fixed terrain generation angle calculations, which would previously prevent nearest region being generated first.
• We now generate caves on lower terrain lods to decrease visual differences in lower detail terrain.
• Introduced more varied and vibrant colouring to terrain for each biome.
• Decreased frequency of brown terrain colour selections.
• Changed texture scales to improve transition between terrain lods.
• Improved terrain colour combinations to add variety and better match terrain contouring.
• Improved terrain texture blending method to better retain vibrant colours.
• Improved settings for hue, saturation and value noise variation on terrain.
• Fixed a number of issues causing holes to be seen in the planet terrain.
• Fixed occasional crash when mining terrain.
• Fixed colour of muzzle flashes on player weapons.
• Added muzzle flashes to ship weapons.
• Added cockpit lighting for damage and weapon firing.
• Added debris to freighter explosion effect.
• Improved freighter cargo explosions.
• Improved photon cannon hit and space explosion effects.
• Improved turret explosion effect.
• Improved grass colour selection.
• Improved grass colouring method to match underlying terrain colour.
• Improved grass placement to match gradient of terrain, and rocky terrain slope patches.
• Improved lighting on grass.
• Improved alpha cutoffs and blending for grass in the distance.
• Improved colouring method for on-planet buildings.
• Fixed "pop" in lighting when flying between planets.
• Fixed incorrect lighting seen in shadow areas.
• Improved lighting method when rendering tree leaves.
• Fixed procedural texturing on objects with multiple overlapping textures.
• Fixed size of certain texture atlas normal maps.
• Fixed texture scaling on asteroids.
• Zinc plant is now more obvious when it has been gathered.
• Fixed occasional rendering errors due to precision on cockpit during warp.
• Fixed pulse lines not appearing when pulse driving out from planet atmosphere.
• Fixed shadowing artefacts on imposters.
• Improved asteroids to allow much denser fields.
• Improved explosion effects.
• Fixed scale of moons on the space map.
• Added freighter groups to the space map.
• Changed distribution of resources in asteroids.
• AI ships will now clear asteroids in their path.
• Planets are now scannable from space to see their resources.
Space Combat:
• Fixed bounty targets warping out too soon.
• Improved HUD indicators in space combat.
• Added damaged ship effect on AI starships.
• Added formation flying.
• Improved locking on passive starships.
• Improved AI combat flight patterns.
• Added new ship weapon technology.
• Holding brake whilst turning now activates drift for fast turns.
• Improved AI ship freighter attacking.
• Improved freighter targeting code when under attack by enemy ships.
• Fixed pulse drive to prevent travel through freighters.
• Improved docking code.
• Added hangar to the lead freighter.
• Added docking in freighters.
• Added icon to accessible freighter hangars.
• Added colouring to cargo drops to identify what is in them.
• You can now only pick up cargo drops that will fit in your inventory.
• Added auxiliary freight ships to freighter groups.
• Added alert lights and alarm audio for when freighters are in combat.
• Improved turret lights and explosions.
• Improved muzzle flashes on freighter turrets.
• Added indicator of cargo contents.
• Freighter Commanders now give rewards for rescuing them from pirate attack.
• Fixed collision on freighter cargo containers.
• Updated the lush ambience to make the wind sounds less noisy.
• Ambient background fauna now checks for the presence of creatures.
• Added rain on foliage.
• Added rain on ship.
• Added freighter specific footsteps.
• When on a dead planet, no music will play.
• Round table prop now plays an appropriate sound.
• Added more music to the loading sequence and game start.
• Added audio to new base building props.
• Created sounds for new base building props.
• Added audio to freighter doors and internal freighter ambiences.
• Added freighter explosions.
• Added freighter alarm.
• Added ambient radio comms when approaching a freighter.
• Fixed missing sounds when in a space station due to the mix settings.
• Multi-tool upgrades now affect audio.
• Lots of minor mix changes.
Foundation update patchnotes
Patch 1.12 (07th December 2016)
• First of all, thank you to everyone who's been playing the Foundation Update. Your feedback has been incredibly helpful, keep it coming!
• Following are the notes for our latest patch: 1.12, which addresses some of the main issues we’ve seen reported following the launch of 1.1 (Foundation).
Patch notes:
• [PC] Following reports of some people experiencing issues with the game while unsupported mods are installed, we’ve added mod detection which will show a warning screen on loading when mods are detected. A mouse click or button press will dismiss this screen. We have also introduced a new method for mod installation which should prevent player's games from breaking when a new update is released. For details please see the 'DISABLEMODS.TXT' file in the \GAMEDATA\PCBANKS folder.
• [PC] Allowed remapping of the build menu and quick menu commands to support Azerty keyboards.
• [PC] We've enabled a temporary workaround for the SLI issues people are experiencing. If you are running in SLI, please disable TAA and the game should run. We are looking into a more permanent solution to this issue.
• Fixed an issue which, in some rare cases, prevented NPCs from giving you mission critical dialogue.
• Fixed a bug which could cause core items to be transferred from exosuit inventory to starship inventory.
• Fixed a number of rare crashes (if you continue to experience crashes, please send a crash report and include your crash dumps).
• [PC] Fix for monitor detection on PCs with 3rd party remote desktop or screen sharing applications.
• [PC] Running the game via the .exe file should no longer give Steam Init errors.
• Fixed an issue where underwater buildings could spawn without doors which in rare cases would mean the NPC missions could not be completed. (Note: If you are still being pointed to missing facilities during the NPC questlines, you can either claim a new base and re-build the NPC terminal, or if you have a Freighter, remove the NPC terminal from your base and rebuild it in the Freighter. The NPC should then give you new coordinates. We are still working on a more permanent fix for this issue).
Patch 1.13 (12th December 2016)
• Fixed a bug that would make the player character small.
• Space battles will now vary in size more and players should see bigger battles.
• Fixed the instantaneous death loop that could occur in survival mode if you saved with 1 health and no hazard protection. You will still be on the verge of death when you load in, but it won't happen instantaneously.
• Removed up, down, left, right as quick menu navigation keys to allow left handed players to move while using the quick menu.
• Page Up and Page down can now be used to navigate up and down in the quick menu.
• Removed duplicated planets from discoveries menu.
• Fixed an issue with redeeming promo ships in survival, which would result in the ship being spawned above the ground.
• Fix for missing ruins underwater which could cause missions to point to nothing.
• Various audio tweaks and fixes:
• Added ladder climbing sounds.
• Fixed base building prop sounds not playing when placed inside a Freighter.
• Added sound effect for calling Freighters.
• Added sound effect when using communication stations.
• Fixed an issue which could affect ambient sound in Freighters.
• Changed the sound effect when using the Terminus Teleporter.
• Fixed some rare crashes.
Patch 1.2 The Pathfinder Update (08 March 2017)
50% more generative soundscapes
Additional game loading and game start music
Added multi-room base ambiences
More detailed rain system, including room dependent and indoor window rain
Added indoor storm ambience
Changes to reverb system
Fix for a flood of sounds which could occur during the tutorial
Improved ship landing code
Fixed AI ships appearing in the air with landing gear deployed
Ship weapons operate using a new multi-mode system
Fix for being able to spawn freighters underground while you are jetpacking
Prevent all docking points in stations, freighters and outposts being taken by AI ships
Fixed issue where ships could occasionally become invisible
Fixed an issue where spawning into a freighter in near-planet orbit would occasionally place the player underground
Freighter containers now drop less Titanium, Thamium and Copper
Freighter containers now have a chance to drop Nanite Clusters
Traders can now drop Nanite Clusters
Traders no longer drop Copper or Iron
Reduced camera shake whilst taking hits in space combat
Reduced pirate damage in survival mode
Reduced damage on ship laser
Tweaked ship exit animations to improve player placement
Added damage and resource numbers in combat and when mining, toggleable in the Options menu
Allow multiple weapon types on the multitool
Free weapons and ships now have broken slots
Recruit NPCs have more descriptive names
Fixed holes appearing in high detail terrain regions
Made player respawn positioning more robust
Introduced new growable plant type
Fixed slow memory leak in material effects
Removed several minor memory leaks on warp
Boosted shield recharge rate whilst in caves slightly
BoltCaster Rate of Fire and Laser Mining Speed upgrades are now known from start. Tweaked build requirements so that both are possible to build on player’s first planet
Drones now drop small amount of zinc on destruction
Reduced amount of platinum from depots
Fixed Vy’Keen depots dropping titanium instead of platinum
Improved balance of hazards on Scorched and Frozen planets
Reworked NPC secondary interactions to give you standing in exchange for offerings
Reduced the amount of tech given by NPCs. In most cases they will now reward tech fragments instead of blueprints
Reduced the amount of tech available for NPC reward
Fixed projectiles shooting through certain unmineable substances
Adjusted space stations to minimise cases where NPCs intersect with the environment
Fixed issue where the suit upgrade chamber would occasionally disappear
Fixed NPC terminals and ladders being removed from the central room of bases after the player leaves
Moved snap points for the glass corridor to be correctly grid aligned
Galactic Terminals now have consistent pricing, regardless of where in a base they are added
Fixed plants not being removed after removing the planter below them
Deleting a room now refunds not only the room itself, but also its contents
Fixed some plants and rocks not being removed when placing down a base building part
Fixed the colour of the base terminal light occasionally resetting to red
Terminals no longer can be build over windows in the central room
Fixed base building colours becoming corrupt under specific circumstances
Fixed some NPC missions counting the number of parts in your base incorrectly
Fixed landing pad not snapping correctly to some parts
Fixed issues where resource harvester would fail to gather resources
Left mouse button and right trigger can now be used to build
Fixed various precision problems with building in freighters
Fixed some cases where grenades would fail to edit the terrain
Organised parts in the base building menu to be more intuitive
Added animation within the Quick Menu
Changed the hyperdrive stat to be measured in Light Years
Opening the menu will now return to the last page you viewed
Added a new Tech stat section to the Tech info popup
Improved mouse smoothing
Improved mouse sensitivity
Clearer and more detailed multitool, ship and freighter comparison screen
Fixed flickering transition between Inventory and Options Menu pages
Reduced number of menu options requiring a button to be held rather than pressed
Improved responsiveness of button holding
Fixed a bug in the options menu where the title bar would flicker
Improvements to discovery timeline UI
Added “Set Waypoint” option to the solar system pop-up
Improved alignment at aspect ratios other than 16:9
Prevented player notifications showing up during credits and redeem screen
Fixed issue whether error messages would be shown for charging and repairing before the options had been selected
Increased icon resolutions to support play at 4k resolutions
Fullscreen effects are now correctly displayed when entering a hazard
Disabled the quick menu while warping between systems
Removed obsolete Generation Detail option in settings
Updated display of new discoveries to be clearer and more readable
Fixed some Japanese and Russian localisation issues and text overlap
Made cinematic black bars less frequent and obtrusive
Made is so cinematic black bars can be dismissed
Race standing is now displayed on the journey milestone page
Fixed various windows occasionally appearing partially offscreen
New visuals and backgrounds on mode select, options and inventory screens
Reduced banding artifacts on some metallic surfaces
Fixed seam artifacts on some normal maps
Fixed shadows being too black over water on certain planets
Fixed very occasional errant black geometry in space
Improved performance of water rendering
Improved performance in forward rendering passes
Improved performance in spotlight rendering
Fixed some issues with flickering lights
Correctly oriented IBL map, fixing several lighting issues
Fixed issue where vertex displacement would glitch when walking between regions
Support for Intel HD Graphics 530, 540, 550, 580, 630, 640, 650
Reduced banding artifacts in gamma correction on some GPUs
Escape key now goes directly to the quit options page
Èñòî÷íèê: http://no-mans-sky.com/pathfinder-update/
Path Finder Patch 1.22 (13 March 2017)
• Exocraft Geobays can now be crafted on any planet - this means vehicles can be summoned anywhere (whereas previously, vehicles could only be summoned on your home planet).
• HUD markers have been added to allow you to easily navigate back to an Exocraft Geobay.
• Fixed a bug that caused vehicle weapons and mining lasers not to drain charge.
• Fixed an issue which could cause the Starship cockpit to vanish when exiting.
• Fixed some freighter door texture issues.
• Fixed a rare crash when scanning from a vehicle.
• Fixed a rare crash when feeding creatures.
• Fixed an issue which caused weapons to miss-fire when using Plasma Launcher.
• During warp the quick menu now hides properly as intended.
Èñòî÷íèê: http://www.no-mans-sky.com/2017/03/path-finder-patch-1-22/
Patch 1.23 (17 March 2017)
• Optimised HBAO so that it runs faster.
• Sentinel drones now investigate correctly when in a vehicle.
• Fixed a rare bug that could cause players to fall through the floor when exiting a ship.
• Fixed texturing issue in freighter bases.
• Fixed and inventory exploit when purchasing multiple ships in a freighter that allows you to duplicate your ship's inventory.
• Fixed a bug that causes freighters to be too cheap.
• You can no longer build the Exocraft Terminal in freighter bases, this prevented players from being able to complete the vehicle missions.
• Fix for ships spawning on top of each other.
• Fixed a crash in physics.
• Fixed a crash resulting from running out of memory.
• Improved vehicle audio.
• Fix for certain UI elements having over-saturated colours in HDR.
• Fix for font anti-aliasing in HDR.
• Improved performance of UI rendering in HDR.
• Fix for HDR rendering being dark on some TV models.
• Fixed a visual issue with the T-shaped corridor.
• Colossus camera is now slightly further back when moving at speed.
• Exocraft mining lasers are now easier to aim up.
• Increased yield from Autonomous Field Mining Units.
• Fixed issue with Colossus Exocraft's wheels sinking through the ground.
• Adjust colossus collision to make it harder to go underground.
• The animation when exiting the Colossus is improved.
• Exocraft mining laser uses less fuel but is less effective in combat.
• Fixes for the white sphere that shows when at the photo mode boundary.
• Fix for ladders vanishing in bases.
• Fixed an issue caused when dying in permadeath with the inventory screen open.
• Fixed a bug causing poor performace when in a vehicle near predator creatures.
Èñòî÷íèê: http://www.no-mans-sky.com/2017/03/4411/
PATCH 1.24 (À) / 10858 (27 March 2017)
• Fixed an issue that caused player’s bases not to appear.
• Fixed a game freeze/lock up that could occur when in space.
• Improved frame rate when playing with unlocked frame rate, or vsync disabled.
• Fixed some issues with Steam controller prompts.
• Various minor performance optimisations.
• Fixed some rare crashes & freezes.
Èñòî÷íèê: https://www.nomanssky.com/2017/03/4511/
Patch 1.3 - Atlas Rises (11th August 2017) / 14121
Patch 1.31 (14th August 2017) / 14129
• Fixed an issue causing some players to crash when accessing the galactic map while having too many waypoints active.
• Fixed a crash some players experience when pinning certain tech.
• Fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in guild missions not crediting correctly.
Patch 1.32 (18th August 2017)
• Fixed an issue that could cause cargo slots not to unlock after purchase.
• Players who had previously learned all alien words are now able to progress through the story.
• Players who’ve unlocked all general exosuit slots can now unlock tech and cargo slots as intended.
• We’ve fixed an issue that caused base NPCs to stop responding after claiming a new base location. This will prevent new occurrences of the issue, a fix for those who have already experienced it is under investigation.
• Fixed an issue preventing players from being able to finish farmer and exocraft missions.
• The base terminus teleporter will now display mission objectives, allowing you to select the correct system. It will also no longer ‘forget’ mission critical systems. This will prevent new occurrences of this issue and a fix for those who’ve already experienced it is under investigation.
• Creative mode players no longer need to complete mercenary missions as part of the story.
• Fixed a rare issue causing multiple ships in a freighter to spawn on top of each other.
• Custom waypoints will no longer override the Atlas Path in the Galactic Map.
• Standing will now be correctly awarded for guild missions.
• Players who recruited base NPCs prior to update 1.3 can now take missions from those NPCs as soon as they are at their terminals.
• Fixed an issue that allowed players to miss Atlas Stations, which prevented progress. This will prevent new occurrences of the issue, a fix for those who’ve already experienced it is under investigation.
• Fixed an issue that prevents some players from progressing when sent to an Atlas station as part of the story.
• Fixed an issue causing waypoint lines not to draw in the Galactic Map.
• Fixed some rare crashes.
• The power of Analysis Visor upgrades has been significantly improved, resulting in much higher rewards when scanning with Flora or Fauna upgrades.
Èñòî÷íèê: http://www.nomanssky.com/2017/08/atlas-rises-patch-1-32/
Patch 1.33 (22th August 2017) / 14296
• Fixed issue where player bases were given the name “Unknown Base” rather than a generated name.
• Fixed S-class ships having incorrect pricing and numbers of slots.
• Added rockets to starting ship in creative default save game.
• Added new icon for solo difficulty AI ships.
• Fixed Albumen Pearl plants using the wrong name on their interaction labels.
• Fixed the landing marker being visible in some fighter cockpits.
• Fixed texturing issue seen with some combinations of AMD GPU and drivers.
• Added and improved audio at the ending of the Atlas path.
• Added and improved audio for terrain editing.
• Improved audio for missions.
• Improvement to vehicle boost timings.
• Made marker for rare graves stay up for the same time as other object markers.
• Prevented trees in frozen biomes spawning close to or intersecting buildings.
• Fixed issue where travelling through the centre of the galaxy could sometimes take you back to the same galaxy.
• Fixed issue where mission waypoints on the galactic map would not be for your current mission.
• Improved UI error messages relating to missions on the galactic map.
• Improved ship speed output on ship HUD.
• Increased guidance for finding Convergence Cubes as part of the scientist mission.
• Prevented some tutorials (for example for life support) from being shown in your log.
• Prevented Artemis being visible in the holohub after they should have left.
• Protected against some cases where missions can send you to depot which has already been destroyed.
• Improved binocular scanning for background objects.
• Prevented binocular scanning flicking between multiple objects.
• Added ability to scan all building types and fixed their displayed names.
• Added ability to scan ships.
• Fixed text truncation on binocular HUD.
• Added the option to display temperatures in Celcius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin regardless of locale.
• Fixed display of longer planet names on the discovery page UI.
• Added ability to cancel in progress missions.
• Added faction icons on the galactic map.
• Improved ship handling when booster upgrades are installed.
• Fixed mission notifications showing an incorrect icon for Electron Vapour.
• Fixed an issue where portals you’ve returned through could not be updated to a different address.
• Improved visuals around icons for different inventories.
• Added joypad and keyboard controls for switching between inventories.
• Fixed galactic map showing joypad prompts for changing filters when playing on mouse and keyboard.
• Fixed issue where players could lose the teleport destination they needed to complete the Mind Arc mission.
• Fixed players getting stuck in an interaction with the armourer if they hadn’t yet built a terminal.
• Fix for visual artifacts from transparent objects showing through the warp effect.
• Reduced cases where terrain editing changes are lost when reloading a save.
• Reduced difficulty of the final armourer mission.
• Improved low flight mode handling.
• Fixed crash in string translation when loading certain saves.
• Added missing scan event icon to the Antimatter tutorial.
• Fixed terrain editor being built with full charge.
• Fixed occasional hang in displaying some multi-byte characters.
• Improved saving and loading of terrain edits.
• Fixed issue where upgrading from a previous save would cause player bases to be floating or underground.
• Fixed very occasional crash in rendering.
• Fixed occasional crash relating to destructible objects.
• Prevented the interaction camera occasionally triggering at inappropriate times.
• Fixed the Farmer displaying the wrong text for their final mission.
• Prevented pinned missions occasionally being deselected on warp.
• Fixed issue where players could become stuck in the final atlas station.
• Improved automatically selecting missions from NPCs in your base when they begin.
• Improved pricing of base building parts in normal mode.
Èñòî÷íèê: http://www.nomanssky.com/2017/08/5442/
Patch 1.34 (25th August 2017) / 14415
• Fixed an issue where large numbers of portal visits would be added to save files, greatly increasing the save size and impeding the ability to save the game. We’re aware there are still some players experiencing this issue, and we’re currently investigating any remaining reports.
• Prevented the terrain editor draining in charge when editing empty voxels.
• Prevented players being able to edit terrain outside their base radius for free while standing inside their base.
• Fixed responses made to Artemis and Apollo at times being incorrectly tracked.
• Prevented players being blocked from progressing if they decline to enter glyphs into a particular story portal.
• Fixed instances where Atlas text was appearing as though it came from an NPC.
• Fixed FoV in photo mode showing degrees as a temperature.
• The discovery screen will now show images from a larger number of visited waypoints.
• Added a placeholder image in cases where a waypoint image is not available.
• Allowed scrolling of names on the discovery page which are too long to be displayed.
• Fixed a graphical issue where a blur effect would be applied while teleporting.
• Improved prioritisation of systems you have teleported from when listing your most recent teleport locations.
• Altered teleporters in space stations to allow players to teleport directly to other stations as well as to their base.
• Improved ordering of icons on the galactic map to more accurately indicate missions and system information.
• Increased maximum number of paths which can be rendered in the galactic map.
• Improved appearance of the message displayed when your starship is out of range.
• Fixed warning symbol on broken tech appearing too small.
• Fixed an issue that sometimes caused glyphs not to be awarded correctly.
• Fixed an issue in tutorial messaging when you repair your pulse drive but nothing else before entering your ship.
• Added the amount of units you will earn for a discovery to the Analysis Visor interface.
• Added correct emotion animations for various interactions with NPCs.
Èñòî÷íèê: https://www.nomanssky.com/2017/08/atlas-rises-patch-1-34/
Patch 1.35 (1th September 2017) / 14608
Features and changes:
• Introduced ship handling variances between types/classes. Each individual ship now has procedural handling and speed characteristics, based on their type and class.
• Handling is now displayed as a value on the ship statistics screen.
• It’s now possible to craft multiples of the same product at once.
• Added the ability to craft more of the same product on top of an existing stack.
• Improved transferring items between inventories.
• Added a toggle to switch from buy to sell screen on the trading menu.
• Added variance in handling between ship types.
• Improved the appearance of popup menus.
• Improved speed and smoothness of user interface page transitions.
• Reduced the amount of resource required to repair tech in Survival mode.
• Improved visuals for editing terrain.
• Improved display of critical warning messages.
• Added message to notify the player if they select a portal glyph they have not yet learned.
• Added additional information to the quick menu when the player attempts to charge something with insufficient resources.
• The quick menu will now automatically close after selecting an option.
• Alien words which have been translated are now highlighted in interactions.
• Improved messaging when portal glyphs are rewarded.
• Improved user interface navigation using Q, E, W, S and A and D keys.
• Added ability for player to enable torch while in caves.
• Improved galactic map saturation, colours and effects.
• Added an option in the galactic map to toggle user waypoints.
Bug fixes:
• Fixed an issue preventing players with very long play times being able to save.
• Fixed an issue where black dots would occasionally appear while looking into the sun.
• Added audio when interacting with portals.
• Prevented hazard effects showing while teleporting or warping.
• Prevented mission log opening when you unpin recipes.
• Prevented players being able to scan creatures through the terrain.
• Fixed an issue causing extremely distant points of interest to show when scanning.
• Removed large white marker which would occasionally show up permanently over buildings.
• Fixed an issue where visited buildings would not correctly update their icon.
• Fixed an issue where visiting a building would not correctly mark nearby waypoints as visited.
• Fixed an issue where scanning buildings would not also scan nearby waypoints.
• It’s no longer possible to lose the Atlas Path by using a black hole.
• Denying the Atlas Path will no longer show you the Atlas Path.
• Balanced the damage potential of the Scatter Blaster upgrade.
• Players will no longer be directed to the anomaly in systems where it can’t spawn (e.g. when an Atlas Station is present).
• Prevented portals from being incorrectly left enabled at times they shouldn’t be.
• Removed grass from bases created prior to the Atlas Rises update.
• Completed freighter salvage missions will no longer be incorrectly re-added to the mission log.
• Fixed issue where your base teleporter can be duplicated and incorrectly labelled in teleporter location lists.
• Prevented incorrect distant paths being drawn in the galactic map.
• Fixed an issue where galactic map paths would draw incorrectly.
• Fixed an issue where players could manipulate mission boards to get multiple of the same mission type.
• Fixed an issue where system race was being displayed incorrectly when talking to mission NPCs.
• Fixed an issue that caused general ship handling to overly effect ship boost handling.
• Spoiler warning: Fixed an issue where some players were not rewarded the Remembrance recipe at the conclusion of the story.
• Fixed some rare crashes.
Èñòî÷íèê: https://www.nomanssky.com/2017/09/atlas-rises-patch-1-35/
Patch 1.37 (15th September 2017)
• Allowed economy Scanner to be used from the Quick Menu to locate an outpost.
• Improved prices trade outposts offer for trade goods.
• Added ability to hold backspace to delete text in text entry fields.
• Improved pagination of tech and product build windows.
• Improved pricing of freighters and freighter trade-in values.
• Added economy information to the galactic map for systems the player has already visited.
• Added a quick menu option to scan for outposts using an economy scanner.
• Increased tech fragment rewards for tech debris.
• Added a penalty to standing for killing civilian ships.
• Updated and improved terrain editing effects.
• Changed farmer missions to count plants grown anywhere towards requirements, including outside of player bases.
• Improved rewards given from factory and harvester buildings to avoid awarding known recipes.
• Improved fog and weather effects in low flight mode.
• Reduced FPS when the game is not in focus.
• Added categories to the item transfer window.
• Added a new send window to aid in transferring items.
• Improved planet temperature ranges.
• Improved storms on lush planets.
• Improved price comparison text on the ship purchase screen.
• Added “Upload All” button on the discovery page.
• Improved trade product pricing.
• Improved price modifiers for different economy types.
Bug fixes:
• Players who find themselves a long way away from their mission destination can now use the log to reset the mission. The mission log will highlight missions and destinations over several thousand light years away with a red icon. Holding R3 or the middle mouse button over this icon will reset the mission to the most recent safe stage, allowing progress to continue.
• Fixed an issue where some players did not receive all of the portal glyphs. If you experienced this issue, the next time you find a portal glyph, those that were previously missed should be restored.
• Restored missing Atlas Seed blueprints to affected players.
• Fixed an issue that caused players to skip certain Atlas Stations.
• Reduced chance of multiple missions sending you to the same destination.
• Fixed landing of S-class ships.
• Fixed an issue in displaying temperature modifiers on hot planets.
• Fixed an issue with a particular Factory Raid mission which would prevent completion.
• Prevented failed timed missions remaining on the mission board indefinitely.
• Fixed issue where certain missions would incorrectly show markers in the galactic map.
• Fixed issue where planters on a player’s freighter would break whenever the freighter was moved.
• Fixed an exploit with teleporting between systems to trade.
• Prevented gas harvesters being constructed on planets with no atmosphere to harvest.
• Fixed number visibility when moving inventory items.
• Fixed an issue where player could not build item stacks in creative mode.
• Fixed issue where the economy description on the galactic map had untranslated text.
• Fixed issue where units would function incorrectly for players with more than the maximum amount.
• Fixed issues where maintenance components would require different repairs after rebooting the game.
• Fixed an issue where delivery missions were occasionally failing to register as complete.
• Prevented bounty missions failing if you choose not to attempt them immediately.
• Prevented terrain editing effects showing while you are in your vehicle.
Èñòî÷íèê: https://www.nomanssky.com/2017/09/atlas-rises-patch-1-37/
Patch 1.38 (03 October 2017)
New save system
• You will now be presented with 5 save-game slots (each of which can be used for any game mode). Your existing saves will be mapped into these slots.
• Selecting an empty slot will start a new game, allowing you to then pick which game mode to play from the mode select menu.
• There are now two sub-slots for each save-game – one for auto saves, one for manual saves.
• Starting a new game with no existing saves will take you directly to mode select.
Improvements & changes
• Made the temperature range of dead planets more varied.
• In-flight weather effects now vary in strength based on height.
• The Analysis Visor can now be used to scan farm plants and see the remaining growth time.
• Analysis Visor can scan ships to determine their class, type and value at a distance.
• The Analysis Visor can be used to see the approximate distance of resources discovered with the Scanner.
• Added error message when no outpost is found by the economy scanner.
• Added the ability to skip black bars when discovering a planet or solar system.
• Prevented the cursor being reset to the center of the page as you switch between pause menus.
• Trade outposts now provide hazard protection.
• Added a chance for pirates to spawn earlier than usual when a player warps into a certain systems, to add more variety to exploration and trading.
• Galactic map now respects user mouse sensitivity settings.
• Galactic map now respects user control inversion settings.
• Prevented trade terminals having a negative quantity of stock.
• Made trading terminal stock values replenish over time.
• Separated stock levels for trading posts and space stations in the same system.
• Lush biomes in survival mode now occasionally exist without an aggressive sentinel presence.
• Reduced cursor UI slowdown when using a pad.
• Improved NPC ship target selection in space battles, prevented them reacting to accidental player fire.
• Added exotic ship audio for AI and NPC ships.
• Added ability to transfer items to and from containers in your base or freighter.
• Added tooltip text to explain the planet icons on the discovery page.
• Added ability to sell items from ship cargo slots at terminals.
• Storms on humid/lush planets are no longer toxic; humid/lush planets now have a chance of their rain being very hot. Note: no new storms have been added, and the frequency of storms has not been adjusted. Humid planets that previously had freezing rain storms in 1.3 have had that storm type changes to heated rain.
• Added ability to transfer items from cargo slots during maintenance interactions.
• Improved trading by giving NPCs independent stock levels.
• Made NPCs who give directions refer to a wider spread of locations.
• Added ability to rebind the discard key.
Bug fixes:
• Fixed an issue where some delivery missions would continuously tell players to visit other systems.
• Fixed an issue where the requirements to complete some missions could change as you spoke to NPCs.
• Fixed scaling issues with creature feeding icons.
• Fixed an issue where mining units would occasionally incorrectly produce Heridium.
• Prevented mining units being placed inside each other.
• Fixed an issue where base parts, including storage containers, built outside the base building radius in unlimited building mode would not be transferred when the player moved to a new base.
• Fixed an issue where storm-prone planets could be labelled as ‘Mild’. Storm frequency has not been adjusted – the text should now more accurately describe weather conditions.
• Fixed an issue where the terrain manipulator audio would occasionally continue after terrain editing completed.
• Fixed an issue where the terrain manipulator hologram would remain in one location after subtracting from the terrain.
• Fixed an issue where the terrain manipulator would occasionally create longer lines than intended.
• Fixed an issue where the ship crosshair would appear at incorrect times.
• Fixed the Upload All button on the discovery page not deactivating after being used.
• Corrected button prompts in the ship combat wiki.
• Restored Spectral Class to the galaxy map text.
• Prevented users occasionally falling outside the trading post platform when exiting their ship.
• Prevented traders from attacking pirates which are far out of their range.
• Fixed an issue where NPC ships would stop outside the entrance of freighters and space stations in systems with no trade routes.
• Fixed an issue where smaller freighters and containers could not be destroyed.
• Corrected Roamer and Rover inventories appearing incorrectly in the transfer window.
• Added protection to allow the Mind Arc step of the Artemis story to be completed even if a player deletes their base.
• Fixed issue where a blue eye icon would occasionally appear over the crosshair.
• Fixed an issue where the Space Anomaly could remain in the player’s home system indefinitely.
• Fixed an issue with dismantling tech on ship compare screens not correctly destroying the tech.
• Fixed an issue where unbinding a key would exit the control menu.
• Fixed an issue where selecting a new key binding could accidentally result in it being set to a mouse button.
• Fixed an issue where the Space Anomaly mission had no objective text in the log.
• Fixed an issue where some players who should have been able to restart distant missions were unable to do so.
• Fixed an issue which could cause excess stacked inventory items to be lost.
Èñòî÷íèê: https://www.nomanssky.com/2017/10/atlas-rises-patch-1-38/
Update 1.5 - NEXT (24th July 2018)


post 12-Àâã-16 20:05 (ñïóñòÿ 33 ñåêóíäû)



post 12-Àâã-16 20:05 (ñïóñòÿ 51 ñåêóíäà)



post 12-Àâã-16 20:06 (ñïóñòÿ 3 ñåêóíäû)

Îïåðàòèâíåíüêî. Ñïàñèáî.


post 12-Àâã-16 20:06 (ñïóñòÿ 24 ñåêóíäû)

áåç çàùèòû? óñòàíîâèë äà èãðàé?


post 12-Àâã-16 20:07 (ñïóñòÿ 36 ñåêóíä)

Denver007, GOG æå


post 12-Àâã-16 20:07 (ñïóñòÿ 2 ñåêóíäû)

Áûñòðî! Êðàñàâ÷èê!


post 12-Àâã-16 20:07 (ñïóñòÿ 2 ñåêóíäû)

Ñïàñèáî :)


post 12-Àâã-16 20:07 (ñïóñòÿ 3 ñåêóíäû)

Îïåðàòèâíî yes


post 12-Àâã-16 20:07 (ñïóñòÿ 50 ñåêóíä)

Ïîíåñëàñü, ðåáçÿ! Ñïàñèáî!


post 12-Àâã-16 20:08 (ñïóñòÿ 54 ñåêóíäû)



post 12-Àâã-16 20:09 (ñïóñòÿ 11 ñåêóíä)

íàðîä êàê îïòèìèçàöèÿ ?


post 12-Àâã-16 20:09 (ñïóñòÿ 10 ñåêóíä)

2.5 GB???? Ïîäîæäó ðåïàê :lol: :lol: :lol:


post 12-Àâã-16 20:09 (ñïóñòÿ 13 ñåêóíä)

Áëàãîäàðþ :king:


post 12-Àâã-16 20:09 (ñïóñòÿ 9 ñåêóíä)

Ñïàñèáî áîëüøîå )


post 12-Àâã-16 20:10 (ñïóñòÿ 28 ñåêóíä)

ÓÐàààà, ïîåõàëè :))


post 12-Àâã-16 20:10 (ñïóñòÿ 8 ñåêóíä)

Îíëàéí ôèøêè ïàøóò?


post 12-Àâã-16 20:10 (ñïóñòÿ 8 ñåêóíä)

Áóäåì ñìîòðåòü. Äðóã àæ ïðåäçàêàç îòìåíèë, ïîñëå îòçûâîâ è ñòðèìîâ :lol:


post 12-Àâã-16 20:12 (ñïóñòÿ 2 ìèíóòû)

Åïò, è 10 ìèíóò íå ïðîøëî óæå âûëîæèëè. Ïîõîäó ýòî ïåðâûé òðåêåð âî âñ¸ì èíåòå, äàæå çàáóãîðíûå ñïÿò åùå.

Òåêóùåå âðåìÿ: 25-Àïð 05:04

×àñîâîé ïîÿñ: GMT + 3

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