
Скачать торрент Might & Magic Heroes VII Deluxe Edition (Ubisoft) {RUS|ENG} (v.1.8-build 37786) [Repack] от xatab Обновлено 22.04.2016 г.

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post 21-Апр-16 19:42

Сегодня вышел патч с лекарством от CODEX. Но в нём, как обычно, для второй части Легенд нет русского перевода. Ждём хатаба.


post 21-Апр-16 22:14 (спустя 2 часа 32 минуты)

Ц LuckyNeo писал(а):

Сегодня вышел патч с лекарством от CODEX. Но в нём, как обычно, для второй части Легенд нет русского перевода. Ждём хатаба.
Ждите... скоро выложит! ;)


post 22-Апр-16 00:51 (спустя 2 часа 36 минут)

Торрент перезалит. Пропатчено до версии v.1.8 (build 37786). Добавлено дополнение "The Lost Tales of Axeoth: Every Dog Has His Day" .
Обновлено 22.04.2016 г.
Доп. информация
Update v1.8:

[Implemented] The Lost Tales of Axeoth: Every Dog Has His Day.

[Fixed] If a magic guild is prebuilt in a town, the player can`t set its specialization.
[Fixed] Pathfinding ability and Pathfinder specialization.
[Fixed] In some campaigns, players can get stuck when spamming ESC during scripted scenes.
[Fixed] Warcry abilities would not upgrade the icon frame of the corresponding warcry in the spellbook.
[Fixed] Unresolved text placeholder in the tooltips of the Onslaught ability and the upgraded Engage warcry.
[Fixed] Display of pink border showing on Necropolis town screen with certain graphic settings.
[Fixed] Skull Ring effect.

[Implemented] Pending Caravans now show up in the recruitment window until they depart at the end of your turn.
[Implemented] Altars and Seals now show up on the minimap.
[Implemented] Caravans arrived at a Fort but not unloaded, can now be accessed and unloaded manually.
[Improved] The random Skilling Popup has been overhauled.

Added Wait action to the Combat AI
Added Caravan handling for the Adventure AI - the AI will now try (if available) to supply their main fighting heroes with a caravan-based supply chain
Adjusted AI scoring for the Adventure AI - it now tries to be more proactive about gathering pickups and generally also engaging the player in combat more
Adjusted AI money management for the Adventure AI - reprioritised the order in which AI purchases buildings/heroes/units
Adventure AI now uses Forts and external Dwellings more readily
Fixed smaller numerous bugs with AI scoring
[Fixed] A bug where the game would go out of synch when deploying more then 7 stacks in combat [Fixed] A visual bug where the resource income would be incorrectly displayed.
[Fixed] A bug where the hero got deselected at the start of a new turn.
[Fixed] A bug where the game gets stuck when the AI attacked an empty town.
[Fixed] A bug where the player could multiply creature stacks under certain conditions when using auto merge button in town.
[Fixed] A bug that caused a game crash sometimes when pressing "spectate" after losing a game.
[Fixed] A bug that caused the game to go Out of synch sometimes when a hero died.
[Fixed] A bug where the language of the AI player was incorrectly displayed.
[Fixed] A visual bug where the camera clipped through the healing tent.
[Fixed] A visual that caused the town screen to shake.
[Fixed] A bug where the game gets stuck when pressing auto combat shortly before the victory animation.
[Improved] Made Duel Multiplayer sessions more stable.
[Implemented] You are now no longer able to join session for which you don't have the map downloaded.

Level Design
Stronghold Map 2
[Fixed] An issue that players could teleport to town before fighting Jengo in the Ritual Fight.
[Fixed] An issues with Cutscenes preventing the player from ending his turn while running.
Stronghold Map 3
[Fixed] An issue that AI does not want to go through the portal, and therefore leading to the player not being able to end the map.
Dungeon Map 2
[Fixed] An issue that led the player to be stuck when spamming ESC during a Cutscene.
Dungeon Map 3
[Fixed] An issue with the quest 'The price of Friendship' not being completed as the player is unable to reach the quest objective.
Scenario Timber Wars
[Fixed] An issue that triggered the defeat under wrong condition.

Object Properties
[Fixed] Capped Fog of War revealing radius properties to 300 to avoid crashes in the game.
[Fixed] Properties were only saved when the map was saved as well for Towns, Forts, Garrisons and Hero Armies.
[Fixed] Clicking on the Landscape does not open an empty window anymore.
[Fixed] Changes are not saved when closing the Property Window
[Fixed] Scroll feature from numeric box, to avoid that values are accidentally changed when scrolling through the Property Window.

Dragon Utopia/Elemental Forge Properties
[Fixed] Editor crashes on removing Reward Item.

Merchant Properties
[Fixed] Editor crashes after deleting a 'RewardData' from Merchant building properties

Magic Menagerie/Elemental Conflux Properties
[Fixed] "Allowed Factions for Recruitment" option.

Battle Site properties
[Implemtented] Options to define Resources and specific Artefacts as rewards.

Hero Properties
[Fixed] A crash when assigning a hero to a creature army with an unset warfare unit.
[Implemented] Increased level cap from 30 to 999.

Town Properties
[Fixed] No Scroll Bar present in the general tab.
[Fixed] The Govenor and the Garrision could not be removed once assigned.
[Implemented] A Tooltip when the Govenor list is empty, explaining that hero armies from the player need to be present on the map.
[Implemented] Sculpt Ground option.
[Implemented] Moved Garrison to its own tab.

Fort Properties
[Implemented] Local Guard Tab.

Map Properties
[Fixed] Custom player names not correctly displayed. If your map is affected, you need to open the Map Properties, click OK and then save the map.
[Fixed] The Editor crashes if the underground layer is destroyed on the auto-save pop-up.
[Implemented] Increased level cap from 30 to 999.

Chest Properties
[Removed] 'ResourceAmounts' option.

AI settings
[Implemented] AI tab to Town Properties.
[Implemented] AI ignore setting to Armies and Buildings.
[Implemented] AI border control setting to Armies.
[Implemented] AI stay in Area of Control setting to Armies.

Script Editor
[Fixed] Debug text is displayed on using the action 'Add/Remove/Set Hero EXP' in the map to subtract hero EXP.
[Fixed] Script Editor does not save if the map name contains spaces
[Fixed] Speaker and Position properties are disabled when creating new dialogue lines
[Fixed] Empty Hero list in 'Hero touches Cell Trigger' action.
[Implemented] Custom Heroes into Script Editor Hero list.
[Implemented] Added proper councillor names to the SpeakerType selection of dialogue lines.
[Implemented] Increased level cap from 30 to 999 in "Hero reached level" action.
[Improved] Renamed actions "Win/Lose Map" to "Win/Lose Game" and moved them from the "Quest" category to the "Game" category to make them easier to find.
[Improved] Renamed action "Cell Event" to "Hero touches Cell Trigger" to make its function and connection to the Cell Triggers placed on the map more obvious.

Unreal Editor
[Fixed] Editor cannot be launched after switching Renderer to DirectX 11.
[Fixed] Editor crashes after selecting 'Replace SkeletalMeshActors' from Unreal Editor.

Campaign Editor
[Fixed] Editor crashes after following certain steps and saving the campaign from the campaign tool.

Layer Tools
[Fixed] Selected combat map name doesn't save after the user hits create.
[Fixed] Area of Control, Combat Map Areas and Passability do not open in Layertool when user accesses them from Menu Bar.
[Fixed] Improper appearance of Academy Bridge observed when used in the map.
[Fixed] Improper appearance of Cartrographer and Fortune Teller when the user drags these buildings onto the map.
[Improved] Moved Town/Fort Connection Label to the top.
[Fixed] Battle Sites "Elemental Forge" and "Dragon Utopia" do not have any combat music when encountered
[Fixed] loss of background music after returning from a Battle Site combat
[Fixed] that combat map specific ambient sounds do not play if music is muted in the options
[Fixed] that combat map specific ambient sounds continued to play on the adventure map after battle
Дорогие ребята!
От себя и от моей семьи , выражаю огромную благодарность,
за Вашу материальную и моральную поддержку.
Вы мне очень помогли. Эту поддержку я никогда не забуду.
Все Ваши сообщения прочитал. С такой поддержкой болеть нельзя.
Надеюсь на выздоровление. Дай бог и Вам крепкого здоровья!


post 22-Апр-16 01:04 (спустя 13 минут)

_xatab_,Очередная благодарочка! Молимся за выздоровление ваше,всё будет хорошо!


post 22-Апр-16 01:15 (спустя 10 минут)

Пасиб за апдэйт, Здоровья тебе побольше!


post 22-Апр-16 03:56 (спустя 2 часа 41 минута)

Ц _xatab_ писал(а):

Пропатчено до версии v.1.8 (build 37786). Добавлено дополнение "The Lost Tales of Axeoth: Every Dog Has His Day" .
А оно уже на русском? Вторая часть на русском? :)


post 22-Апр-16 04:15 (спустя 19 минут)

LuckyNeo,У меня всё на русском,только что установил. :)


post 22-Апр-16 04:18 (спустя 3 минуты)

Navin, ты смотрел внимательно? Там в меню есть пункт "Одиночная игра", а в нём, "потерянные легенды" и под ними "потерянные легенды 2". Так вот, последний пункт у тебя на русском или написано "Lost Tales 2"?


post 22-Апр-16 04:21 (спустя 2 минуты)

LuckyNeo,Да,+ описание всё на русском,я помню прошлый раз было на енглише 1 часть,сейчас же всё на русском. :)


post 22-Апр-16 04:28 (спустя 7 минут)

Отлично! Благодарю, можно ставить!


post 22-Апр-16 04:32 (спустя 3 минуты)

"- Время установки ~ 12 минут ",точно,ровно 12, не больше не меньше,удивительно, это HDD,думаю на SSD будет быстрее. :)


post 22-Апр-16 06:44 (спустя 2 часа 11 минут)

бога нет , а вы выздоравливайте :D


post 22-Апр-16 07:34 (спустя 50 минут)

LuckyNeo, конечно на русском! Мои - RU файлы (если надо могу выложить отдельно) ;)

Stan Zane

post 22-Апр-16 09:58 (спустя 2 часа 24 минуты)

После стольких патчей как оно играбельно? На старте даже ставить не стал, столько нелестных отзывов прочитал :)
Скорейшего вам выздоровления!


post 22-Апр-16 17:02 (спустя 7 часов)

Можно пожалуйста последний патч и длц отдельно?


post 22-Апр-16 21:57 (спустя 4 часа)

Играть то уже можно в удовольствие, баги докучать не будут?


post 23-Апр-16 18:32 (спустя 20 часов)

Подскажите, переустановил виндовс и поставил игру с патчем 1.8 . До этого стояла 1.7. так вот теперь ни одного сейва, папка с сейвами осталась (она физически на другом диске), но она игрой не видится. Кто сталкивался?
п.с. в appdata/roaming нашел папку uplay, в ней Codex и тоже какой то сейв. выходит в 1.8 формат сейва сменился? гляньте у кого 1.7 стоит, есть такая папка.


post 27-Апр-16 21:33 (спустя 4 дня)

Народ, привет!
Столкнулся со следующей проблемой. Играл, значится, пару дней нормально. И вдруг, сегодня, случился адский мега фриз -- то есть, игра не играется, а происходит раскадровка с частотой, примерно, 1 кадр в 5-7 секунд. То же самое и в главном меню.
Ребут компа не помогает, в других играх все ок (подумал было на видеокарту).
В чем может быть дело, не подскажете?


post 27-Апр-16 21:51 (спустя 18 минут)

Аналогично после установки патча 1.8. До этого проблем не было.


post 27-Апр-16 21:52 (спустя 34 секунды)


Аналогичная проблема...сам сижу ломаю голову((( Зависла игра и потом уже после нового запуска даже меню тормозит как у тебя 1 кадр в 5-7 сек.

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