
Скачать торрент Magicka v. + 27 DLC (Paradox Interactive) (RUS|ENG|Multi7) [L|Steam-Rip] от R.G. GameWorks

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post 02-Фев-13 16:54


┊ Информация:
Дата выхода: 25 января 2011
Жанр: Arcade / 3D / Isometric
Разработчик: Arrowhead Game Studios
Издатель: Paradox Interactive
Платформа: РС
Тип издания: Лицензия [Steam-Rip]
Язык интерфейса: Русский / Английский / Multi7
Язык озвучки: Русский / Английский / Multi4
Таблетка: Присутствует [ deadmau5 / THETA ]

┊ Системные требования:
Операционная система:
XP, Vista, 7
Pentium 4 - 2,4 ГГц или Athlon 3500+
Оперативной памяти:
2 Гб
Свободное место на HDD:
1.5 Гб
NVIDIA® GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon® X1900 (Integrated Video Cards not recommended)

┊ Описание:
Magicka — сатирическая приключенческая игра, действие которой происходит в богатом фэнтези-мире, придуманном на основе германо-скандинавской мифологии. Игрок возьмет под свой контроль мага из таинственного ордена и отправится в путешествие с целью остановить злого волшебника, превратившего мир в одну большую неразбериху, и чьи злые создания пытаются одержать победу над добрыми жителями этого мира.

Игроки смогут объединять волшебные элементы, чтобы использовать заклинания, сея хаос и разрушения в сердцах приспешников тьмы. Кроме того, можно сыграть и с друзьями, проходя через жестокие дебри кампании, или же проверить свои навыки создания заклинаний с помощью других режимов игры.

До четырех игроков могут отправиться в Magicka ради спасения своего мира, используя полностью динамическую систему заклинаний. Приключенческий режим отправит игроков в три разных уровня, в котором им встретятся как пышные леса, так и горные аллеи, ведущие к замороженным залам Горного короля, где нужно будет применить весь свой ум и проворность для того, чтобы победить врага.

В разблокируемом игровом режиме повышенной сложности игрокам предстоит сражаться с волнами врагов, соревнуясь за первые места в таблице лучших.

Информация о релизе
- Версия игры, загружена 02 февраля 2013 г, полностью идентична активированной лицензионной копии игры.
- Все уже установлено, обновлено, и запаковано в инсталлятор с незначительным сжатием.
Присутствующие DLC:
» Free Jolnirs Workshop
» Grimnir's Laboratory
» Dungeons and Daemons
» Mega Villain Robes
» Aspiring Musician Robes
» Peculiar Gadgets Item Pack
» Heirlooms Item Pack
» The Other Side of the Coin
» Lonely Island Cruise
» The Stars Are Left
» Holiday Spirit Item Pack
» Horror Props Item Pack
» Vietnam
» Wizard's Survival Kit
» Marshlands
» Nippon
» Final Frontier
» The Watchtower
» Frozen Lake
» Party Robes
» Gamer Bundle
» Volcano hideout
» Caverns
» Support robe
» Tank robe
» Mirror crystal caverns hideout
» Pieses hideout
Информация о DLC (Спасибо Fenixx)
Wizard's Survival Kit
* Wizard's Hat (item) - No wizard of note would ever be seen outdoors without one of these pointy hats.
* Sharp Sword (item) - The instruction reads “stick them with the pointy end”. Good to have in a pinch.
* Staff +1(item) - Whack your foes over the head, use it to prod mucky waters or lean on it to look cool - the staff +1 let’s you do all of it in style.
* Meteor Shower (new Magick) - Rain burning rocks down on your enemies. ‘Nuff said.

Magicka: Vietnam - первое дополнение для популярной игры Magicka. Похоже, что сейчас каждая игра обзавелась аддоном "Vietnam" и Magicka не исключение.
Magicka: Vietnam представляет собой сценарий, в котором вы являетесь солдатом-магом. Отправляйтесь в глубины джунглей Гоблин-Конга с тремя союзниками, чтобы освободить заключенных во вражеском лагере. Затем вы должны уничтожить вражеские позиции, избежать опасностей в джунглях и вернуться в пункт эвакуации.
А также Magicka: Vietnam добавляет новую карту для выживания повышенной сложности.
В джунглях Вьетнама вы получите оружие эпохи войны и особую магику, вызывающую напалм по вражеским позициям. Игроки конечно же получат то, что делает Magicka уникальной - динамичная система колдовства и здоровая порция юмора.
Особенности DLC:
* Игровой мир на тему Вьетнама.
* 2 новые карты (1 сценарий и 1 выживание).
* Новые враги.
* Много оружия Вьетнамской эпохи.
* Стильная военная роба.
* Новая магика - Напалмовый удар.
* Инновационная и динамичная система колдовства с тысячей возможных комбинаций.
* Играйте в кооперативе или в одиночестве во все режимы.
* Испытайте пародию на клише о фантастическом мире/войне в джунглях.

Брошенные умирать, вы встретились с ужасными ордами мертвецов и их друзей. Это испытание содержит огромную территорию для игроков и много места для врагов, которые могут окружить вас. Если вам нравиться плескаться в мутной воде и расчленять зомби, то это испытание для вас.
Особенности DLC:
* Два новых испытания с 20 волнами атакующих в каждом.
* Новые способы возрождения врагов - гоблины прибывают на лифте, зомби вылазят из-под земли прямо вокруг вас.
* Абсолютно новое окружение.
* 20 смертельных волн, не виденных прежде в испытаниях.
* "Они идут из болот" - точка отправки врагов.

* 1 кимоно.
* 1 катану «Йаваракай-Ти» (пробивает любую броню).
* 1 бамбуковый «Посох выносливости» (сопротивление всем элементам).

Final Frontier
The Final Frontier DLC pack contains an all new map, the Vulcanus Arena, both for the Versus and Challenge game modes. Also included is an entirely new robe and gear. The Vulcanus Arena is the perfect spot to fight to prove your honor. Wizards who dual each other on this arena and live, often do so for a long time and have a tendency to also do it quite prosperously.
Особенности DLC:
* New map for the Versus game mode.
* New map for the Challenge game mode.
* Map includes fantastic quality props.
* New sci fi robe.
* Type 2 Plastic Prop permanently set to stun and the deadly Duel Staff.
* Increased nerd factor.

Frozen Lake
В дополнении Frozen Lake, только самые смелые маги отважатся сразиться друг с другом на поверхности водоема, где невозможность ходить по воде становится более частой причиной смерти, чем удачное применение колдовства против оппонента.
Особенности DLC:
* Новая карта для режима «Сражение».
* Новая природная опасность в виде замерзшей воды.
* Множество приятных глазу оттенков белого и синего.

Party Robes
No, not that kind of party.
Lately Castle Aldrheim produced these robes for wizards who like to travel in a group. Whether they quest, grind raid or duel in the arenas, these robes are sure to give the group an edge. Only a wizard that trusts his “friends” would bring a Party Robe to a duel.
Особенности DLC:
* Tank Robe can take a lot of punishment and help his “friends” get an upper hand on the situation.
* Rogue Robe is mostly nowhere to be seen in a fight, but now and then, he strikes from the shadows.
* Support Robe makes sure his groups spellcasting is at its best.

The Watchtower
The old watchtower was once used to get a proper view over Midgard but now Wizards have claimed it to settle disputes slightly less petty than the once settled in Aldrheim’s old Training Grounds. This is indeed an epic location for duels and how the wizards get up there in the first place, no one knows.
Особенности DLC:
* New map for the Versus game mode.
* The absense of a railing on a mountaintop ruin provides new environmental hazzard.
* Height differences not only refers to the deadly fall but also the different platforms of the tower.

Gamer Bundle
The Gamer Bundle contains three new robes inspired by some of the developers favorite games. Armed to the teeth with new exciting gear these diverse robes will give the players plenty of new tactics to employ in all existing game modes.
Особенности DLC:
* The Zombie Robe is a resilient one. This number has a freaky, yet oddly appealing, parasite attached to it’s head. For some reason it turns the wearer into some type of shambling, incomprehensible, crow bar wielding monster. But that’s okay because, while a bit slower, the wearer can now take a punch or two thousand.
* Wizards have been known to go through great lengths in order to cosplay as their favorite game characters. The Tentacle Robe, and it’s accompanying Ray-Gun, are great for conventions as well as general forest wear. While some people might point and laugh at this wizard, others would just love to have their photo taken next to him (or her.).
* Epic Robe is epic claims this wizard. While he may have lost his mount he still has all his other epic gear. The epic amount of hours and sodas he consumed to earn it is no match for the even more epic-y-ness of the sword and armor.

Horror Props Item Pack
Комплект предметов, содержащий в себе все те ужасные штучки со съемок любого типичного фильма ужасов. Не важно, любите ли вы слэшеры или безумные истории родом из 1920-х, здесь точно найдется предмет, который будет вам по душе.
Особенности DLC:
* Только для режимов «Испытание» и «Сражение».
* Бензопила — к сожалению, без функционирующей руки этой пилой не воспользоваться.
* Серп уборщика кукурузы — это оружие — любимец фанатичных детей.
* Пряная фрикаделька — отлично делает БЫ-ДЫЩЬ.
* Бейсбольная бита — полезна, если вы решили разгромить офис.
* Дубинка с черепом — сначала мы хотели спародировать Покемонов, но в итоге вышла дубинка с черепом наверху.
* Пушка Томми — если вдруг вы по неосторожности выпустите демона, без этого оружия не обойтись.
* Зловещая — как названа, так и выглядит.
* Топор тирана — этот вполне аутентичный топор позволит ощутить, каково на самом деле жить вечно.
* Эльфоруб — гроза всех эльфов.
* Шестизарядник — поставляется с полной обоймой.
* Жезл пучин Ада — обрушьте демоническую мощь на своих врагов.

Holiday Spirit Item Pack
Рождество в этом году раннее, так что не помешает создать себе праздничное настроение. Поделитесь любовью, сготовьте еды, успейте закупиться подарками и, конечно, поделитесь радостью с друзьями.
Особенности DLC:
* Замораживающий луч — на тот случай, если это ненастное глобальное потепление вдруг попробует испортить вам Рождество.
* Палочка управления гневом — избавься от хмури на лице... ударив кого-нибудь этой штукой!
* Зимняя радость — осталось только получить от Санты подходящий трон.
* Скалка — незаменимый помощник для работы с тестом и отличный снаряд для метания в головы тех, кому не нравится ваша выпечка.
* Месть Тимелла — лучший друг плотника!
* Горячая сковорода — для тех, кому не хватает просто удара сковородой, эта штуковина еще и необычайно горяча!
* Серочереп — о таком мечтает каждый ребенок!
* Жезл любви — поделись семейной любовью!
* Жезл отражения 2.0 — новый и улучшенный!
* Сосисочный жезл — раз вы так хотите сосисок, тогда будут вам сосиски!
* Знамя крестоносца — если вдруг все забудут, в чём суть Рождества.

The Stars Are Left
Новое приключенческое дополнение к чрезвычайно популярной и успешной приключенческой экшен-игре Magicka. На сей раз Arrowhead выбрались из джунглей Вьетнама и нацелили взгляд на безумные мифы о Ктулху. Впервые с момента выхода игры, игроки смогут вновь объединить силы в приключенческой компании с возможностью совместного прохождения. Вам придется пробиваться через новые уровни, отражать атаки множества чудных монстров, побеждать ужасных боссов и решать необычные загадки.
Особенности DLC:
* Новое приключение с уровнями на основе миров из произведений Говарда Лавкрафта.
* 2 карты для испытаний.
* 2 новых робы.
* 2 новых босса.
* Новые достижения.
* Несколько новых видов врагов.
* Новые предметы и магики.
* Инновационная и динамическая система заклинаний с тысячами возможных комбинаций.
* До четырех игроков в любом режиме игры и возможностью играть одному.
* Познайте пародийность и сатиричность фэнтези-мира, полного клише.

Lonely Island Cruise
Устали от непрерывного использования Ливня и Снежной бури? Тогда вам стоит отправиться на отдых в солнечный круиз по четырем с половиной морям. Этот прочный (гоблинский) корабль может предложить вам множество кают, ресторанов, развлечений класса люкс и одну солнечную палубу для дуэлей.
Особенности DLC:
* Новая карта для режима «Игрок против игрока».
* Новые природные опасности в виде воды за бортом и бассейна.
* Атмосфера карты поможет охладить разум в знойные летние дни.

The Other Side Of The Coin
Magicka: The Other Side of the Coin lets players experience a completely new take on the Magicka universe. Take the role of Alucart the Vampire and his Necromancers to fight against the forces of good. Your mission is to thwart Vlad’s attempt to unite the humans, the dwarves and the elves.
Like the highly popular Magicka: Vietnam, The Other Side of the Coin features objective based level progression, a new story and brand new playable characters. Along with the main quest, four new challenge levels are included as well as a new playable PVP character, the Necromancer.
Особенности DLC:
* Play as Alucart the Vampire and his henchmen, the Necromancers.
* One exciting new story challenge set among exciting new elven architecture.
* 4 new challenge maps playing as Necromancers: World's End, Volcano Hideout, OSOTC Arena and the Mirror Crystal Cavern Hideout.
* Necromancer introduced to PvP.
* New Steam achievements.
* Innovative and dynamic spellcasting system with thousands of possible combinations.
* Up to four player co-op in all game modes as well as single player option.
* Experience the parody and satire of a cliche fantasy world.

Heirlooms Item Pack
Many interesting old trinkets and relics, passed down through the generations from the ancient times, await discovery in the huge dusty attic of Castle Aldrheim. Scattered amidst piles of junk, between the cushions of dusty old furniture or packed in old wooden moving crates, lies powerful magickal equipment ripe for the taking. Results may vary.
Особенности DLC:
* Mr. Flintlock.
* Inherited Body Parts.
* Grandmother Glock.
* Moose Hunting Trophy.
* The Dentures.
* Ornamental War Sabre.
* Mixed Memories.
* Grandfather Clock.
* Umbrella Walking Cane.
* Teacher’s Stick.

Peculiar Gadgets Item Pack
The Peculiar Gadgets Item Pack offers a wide array of weird weapons and utility gear, rare items created by the craziest, most white-haired smiths and mechanics in all of Midgard. Some were intended for the good of others, while others were designed for the (more or less) total destruction of all kinds of foes.
Особенности DLC:
* Remote Lighter.
* Crowdcicle.
* Troll Hair Dryer.
* Malfunctioning Doomsday Device.
* Dwarven Utility Stick.
* Hit’n’Run 200.
* Diplomaton.
* Nanolice Applicator.
* Fission Rod.
* Fusion Rod.

Mega Villain Robes
Behind every missing wizard, behind every village pillaged by goblins, behind every bad happening in Midgard, there may or may not be a villainous mastermind behind it all. Unbeknownst to many, there is a dark underworld in Midgard, home to all sorts of evil personalities and organizations. This new robe pack will give you a spectacular taste of it!
With the Mega Villain Robe Pack players can choose from three more or less sane wizards who all decided that the world has done them wrong and must pay for it! These new wizards all follow the patented Super Standard™ of having their own special themes and matching personalities, this time based on the various Magicka elements.
Особенности DLC:
* Coldarr Robe – Once a prolific cryomancer in the wizarding community, Coldarr watched in horror as one of his spells went terribly wrong, freezing his beloved. With a heart now turned to ice, he blames the world for giving him the cold shoulder when he most needed a warm embrace.
* Flamos Robe – Wizard law enforcement officers are all burnt out on ideas of how to confront the infernal mind of Flamos. He seems to have but one burning desire: to set the world on fire!
* Electrobe – His parents wouldn’t believe his electricity allergy was real, and instead sent the poor young Electrobe for a dose of shock treatment. Little did they know that the voltage overload would flick one final switch in his weakened mind, and awaken an insane villain with a sparking vengeance…

Aspiring Musician Robes
Some wizards are not only terrible spell casters, but terrible musicians as well! Join their ranks, and explore a variety of music history's greatest styles, from the heavy-metal guitar to the cool-but-moist saxophone! Take the lead in Aldrheim's very own misunderstood progressive basement band, adorned with musically inspired robes and powerful magickal instruments.
Особенности DLC:
* Heavy Metal Robe – come to the party armed with The Last (Mic) Stand and the mighty Guitaxe, which also comes equipped with chains.
* Tribal Drummer Robe – included with this impressive robe is a heavy Bongo Drum and a Bass (not the fish) Drum Beater.
* Epic Sax Robe – armed with a Saxophone and a deadly Vinyl Record, bring epic sax solos to all the people of Midgard.

Dungeons And Daemons
Something stirs beneath Castle Aldrheim…
Deep in the sub-dungeons, long forgotten by the Wizards, the demented ancestors of the Aldrheim Order have awoken an ancient evil. The fate of the world has yet again fallen on the shoulders of our haphazard and colorful wizards. Will the Wizards survive as they stumble upon Aldrheim’s most secret of secrets?
Explore never before seen places in the fantastical world of Magicka. Test your mettle against new enemies and try to avoid getting slime all over your robes. Where does that even come from? It’s everywhere! If we could reveal the super-secret hard mode, it would attract even the most battle-hardened wizards. Unfortunately, it’s a secret, so we can’t talk about it.
Особенности DLC:
* Rush headlong into a new epic tale in the Magicka universe.
* Venture deep into the dungeons beneath castle Aldrheim.
* Discover untold horrors and hints of a looming threat to the world of Midgard.
* New monsters and challenges await.
* Test your mettle in the chapter’s hidden hard mode.
* Innovative and dynamic spellcasting system with thousands of possible combinations.
* Up to four player co-op in all game modes as well as single player.

Free Jolnirs Workshop
After some tiring, yet enjoyable, days of commandeering an unwilling workforce, Jólnir - the Crimson King - decided to take the day off.

While lounging in his recliner by the fireplace, he fell into the world of dreams. After a rather unpleasant awakening he found himself in a very dangerous place - at the blunt end of a very large club.

Thrown out of his workshop by the very goblins whose blood usually stains his clothes crimson, and his staff nowhere to be seen, he must rely on the wizards to help him reclaim his workshop and his honor.
Особенности DLC:
* A “chilling” new challenge with 20 waves of blizzards and beasts
* The harsh weather around Jólnir's Workshop is sure to make life difficult for the Wizards attempting to liberate it
* Shocking new enemies to show you a world of hurt: Autonomous Cannons, Goblin Snow Troopers and the Eismacher
* Want to get the monsters off your back? Cower behind strategically placed piles of presents and packages... or shoot at them, tearing bystanders apart
История изменений (От версии
- Free Jólnirs Workshop does no longer show up as being modified
- Fixed a reintroduced bug that would allow players to host modified content on VAC enabled servers
Patch – Major patch today, this update addresses several major issues and crashes players have experienced, it deals with both some great old ones as well as a few issues of the lesser castes. We’ve also added a little treat for you, a free challenge you can pick up in the steam store; Free Jólnirs Workshop.
A big thanks to everybody who posts well described reports on the different forums. That really helps!
- Added free challenge DLC; Free Jólnirs Workshop. FREEEEEEDOM!
- Fixed the crash with the “Magicka has stopped working” windows prompt due to dependencies not being installed correctly. This should now be greatly improved. Crash of the Titans
- Fixed a crash when host attempted to change level with gamepad in online play lobby. Tango & Crash
- Fixed a crash when cutting the rope in the tutorial and any other physical objects in the game, while using the Which Dr. Robe. Crash Gordon. See a trend here?
- Fixed an issue where players would only be able to select a few game modes when hosting an online game. What can we say, we’re gracious hosts
- Fixed an issue where chapter select for Adventure and The Stars are Left would be empty. And though Adventure and The Stars are Left put their issues aside, they still parted ways. –insert sad trombone noise–
- Fixed a crash in Chapter 5 of the campaign when players killed the boss by freezing him and blowing him to bits. W-Men: First Crash. Getting difficult to keep this up.
- Fixed a crash when hosting online games using Italian language setting. I’m running out of movies to use. Oh wait, how about Jumpin’ Jack Crash? Yeah, that works.
- Fixed several issues related to playing with gamepad and not running the game in BigPicture. Amongst other issues, we fixed a crash caused by a gamepad-wielding player trying to write in the chat with the gamepad as well as not being able to create a new profile using gamepad but not running steam in BigPicture. You think us putting “crash” into action movie titles was to promote The Showdown Effect? Naaaaaah, we’re not that smart. *coughMarch5cough*
- Fixed an issue where the main menu would sometimes lock itself before the tome is opened. Reminds me of that scene in Army of Darkness where Crash—I mean, Ash—unlocks the Necronomicon, except none of you are being attacked by the game when the tome opens. Sadly.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Revive Magick to be unavailable in the Vietnam Rescue Mission. Wait, why did we change that? Back in ‘Nam, we didn’t have no fancy Revive Magick. If someone went unconscious, we carried them in the mud. Barefoot. Uphill. Both ways. No bathrobe.
- Fixed an issue where the boss of The Stars are Left chapter 2 couldn’t drown and ending up in the water would result in the player being unable to progress. “What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger."
- Fixed an issue where the Cultist Robe would be unavailable even though the Fthagn Once More achievement had been acquired. Just don’t drink the punch!
- Fixed an issue where some people couldn’t put on their Bathrobe. Yay!
- The Change Level button now correctly updates when changing language. Change is good, my mommy said so before sending me to boarding school.
- Some minor improvements done to main menu and leaderboards. We didn’t want to overstimulate you with major, stupendous improvements.
- Fixed a visual issue with the versus map description for Pool of Undeniable Moisture as well as improving the presentation of map descriptions in general. Because maps are people too. No, wait, that’s actually not true. They’re just maps. We treat maps like people, though, and that’s what counts.
- Fixed a bug where gamepad-wielding players could not change robe if the chat window was hovered with the mouse. Now this one was pretty specific. I mean, you had to 1) have a gamepad 2) have chat open and 3) have a mouse hover over the chat window. Bravo to you who found this, we can barely do two things at once and three things is just asking for someone to get blown up.
- Fixed a bug causing all remaining players in a lobby to get their robes changed when someone leaves the lobby. That was our version of a quick-change Magick act. For our next trick, we’ll be making a goblin’s head disappear.
- Improved the process of logging out profiles in game lobbies as well as the method for exiting them. DON’T LEAVE US!!! WE DON’T WANT TO BE ALONE!!!!
- Improved focus when scrolling through community buttons in main menu using gamepad. Because a community that slays together, stays together. AWWWWWWWW. Trust fall time!
- Fixed a crash that would occur in Other Side of the Coin and Dungeons & Daemons when NPC’s attempted to cast magicks.
We'll leave you with one small update before the holidays. Best wishes from the Magicka team!

- Modified levels are no longer listed when hosting a VAC-secure server.
Magickas menu has gotten a much needed facelift as well as several other improvements.
- The layout on the front page has been updated and made more visually exciting.
- New unused content is now marked with a star to make it easier for players to find their newly bought content.
- The level and robe selection screens are now sorted based on availability and have been updated with availability icons.
- The various pre-game lobbies have been slightly redesigned for better use of space and easier access for new players.
- "The Other Side of the Coin", "Vietnam rescue mission" and "Dungeons & Daemons" now have their own lobby and are shown under the "Adventure" tab when searching for online games.
- Some minor optimization and performance improvements included.
- In continued support of Magicka and the new Big Picture mode we've greased some of the machinery and among other small Big Picture fixes and adjustments, fixed the Manual (IP) connection dialogue updated to work with the Daisy Wheel.
Magicka now gets full controller support for steams upcoming Big Picture mode.
- Players can now access the steam-overlay with a gamepad and type text with the new "DaisyWheel" in Big Picture mode.
- The SteamStore, Facebook and Twitter-buttons visible in all menus can now be navigated with a gamepad.
- An icon has been added to players in the pre-game lobby to illustrate what controller they use.
- This update supports the new Dungeons & Daemons DLC
- Also added support for the upcoming Grimnir’s Laboratory, a Co-op challenge map with a twist that comes with new robes suitable for a magick labwork.
- Fixed an issue where health regen numbers showed even when at full health. Being more than fully alive is generally frowned upon in Midgård.

In case you missed last weeks patch:
- Fixed an issue where the list of Magicks would give the wizards paper cuts and crash the game. Its edges have now been properly blunted as per Wizard Academy standards.
- Added some missing characters to certain fonts. Continuing our commitment to offering characters to all fonts everywhere.
- Fixed a pathfinding crash. Took us a bit, but we found it.
- Fixed disappearing boss Vlad. Turns out he was just at the bar up the street.
- Fixed a crash when killing frozen Khan (and possibly other bosses). KHAAAAAAN!
- Fixed camera issue when being revived by the fairy. Fairies weren’t previously aware of auto-focus.
- Fixed NPC spellcaster AI sometimes freezing up. After taking some public speaking classes, though, the NPC finally warmed up.
- Mobs are now able to spawn their own kind upon death. That sounds kinda gross, actually.
- Added some new functionality to scene scripts. Scene scripts run. Run, scripts, run!
- Reduced the physical damage resistance of Enraged Goblin Warlocks. Let’s face it, Warlocks sound all-powerful but they’re really just a bunch of pansies.
- Fixed a localization crash. Que haya sido reparado.
- Fixed a crash with the Performance Enchantment magick. Talk to your doctor first.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when firing a water projectile during a level transition. That’ll show those pesky levels who’s boss around here.
- Fixed an issue with collision checks that resulted in multiple fall damage. Large Hadron Collider consulted, collisions now in check.
- Fixed certain lights being removed when restarting a scene. Disco disco, good good.
- Fixed scores being inconsistent between client and host in challenges. Issues resolved with just a couple trust falls.
- Fixed script delays being reset when restarting a challenge level. No more delays, the movie will finally be coming out soon.
- Fixed element icons getting stuck highlighted when disabled (as in Elemental Roulette). Now if we could only get our car’s dome light to turn off.
- Fixed a crash where players were gripped during level transition. Now they’ll just be gripped in anticipation, amirite?!
- General stability improvements.


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post 03-Фев-13 13:57 (спустя 21 час)

Свежак! Налетай! ;)

Rocky Balboa

post 03-Фев-13 14:04 (спустя 6 минут)

Привет спасибо большое :)


post 03-Фев-13 14:08 (спустя 3 минуты)

Rocky Balboa


post 03-Фев-13 14:59 (спустя 51 минута)

» The Stars Are Left тут на русском?(она вообщё на нём есть? Ибо в соседней от феникса англ >_<)


post 03-Фев-13 15:06 (спустя 7 минут)

Не, все что в оригинале на англ и тут на англ. Вроде сюжетка тока на русском


post 03-Фев-13 15:18 (спустя 12 минут)

Грусть печаль


post 03-Фев-13 15:21 (спустя 2 минуты)

Ц Tirael4ik писал(а):

Язык озвучки: Английский / Multi4
Русской озвучки тут нет?


post 03-Фев-13 15:23 (спустя 2 минуты)

Кооперативом данную версию смогу запустить?


post 03-Фев-13 15:45 (спустя 21 минута)

Есть, промахнулся я в оформлении слегка
Не знаю, кряк самодельный. Надо пробовать


post 03-Фев-13 20:33 (спустя 4 часа)

С кряком игра не запускается у меня, в папке создается ещё одна папка gameworks_swarm и в процессах игры нет (
В чем может быть проблема?
windows 7 x64


post 03-Фев-13 20:38 (спустя 4 минуты)

внутри софт необходимый для игры попробуй поставить


post 03-Фев-13 20:50 (спустя 12 минут)

Спасибо, был не установлен xnafx31_redist.msi , теперь все ок ^^


post 03-Фев-13 20:58 (спустя 7 минут)

Вроде как самое важное для запуска. На восьмерке вроде из-за невозможности автоматической его установки игра и не пашет)


post 15-Май-13 00:04 (спустя 3 месяца 11 дней)

работает кооператив? а то с девушкой хочу поиграть, а нигде не могу найти рабочий(


post 20-Июл-13 20:11 (спустя 2 месяца 5 дней)

В нормальном стиме бан не словлю? :D


post 22-Ноя-14 11:44 (спустя 1 год 4 месяца)

если есть кто живой, ответьте пожалуйста почему она вылетает при запуске?


post 19-Фев-15 12:17 (спустя 2 месяца 27 дней)

Windows 8.1 не запускается :(
Не запускается


post 12-Май-15 12:15 (спустя 2 месяца 20 дней)

Если у кого вылетает сразу при запуске, установите Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 3.1 и все запустится


post 06-Ноя-17 01:22 (спустя 2 года 5 месяцев)

Дайте скорости )

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